Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Camping-part one

 Raider picked me flowers
 We ate lots and lots of treats
 Tyson and Hyrum
 Hyrums tick
 Aspen taking Darcy for a ride
 Raider waiting for a ride
My family, Trents family and the Hurdle family all
went camping to Little Bear Campground. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mothers Day

 Trent and his mother
 Me and my mother
Me with my two kids that made me a mother.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


When Aspen was in first grade, I went on the 
zoo field trip. It was a head ache and I told myself
I would not do it again, Well, two years later..
I did it again! I felt like I needed to go
because I worried about Aspen going without me.
I worried about her having enough water, food, sunscreen, 
plus I knew no other mother would watch her as good as I would.
So we went and it was fun, or at least better then last time.

Spring Choir

Aspens choir sang Disney songs
for their spring concert. It was
very up-beat and fun.