Friday, July 23, 2010

Hating Summer

Since Trent and Aspen are camping this weekend (I couldn't go because of work) I thought I would use my free time to get in some really long runs. Stupid me set out on a run at four o'clock. It was 96 degrees and for some reason I thought that didn't matter. Boy was I wrong!!! My long run turned into only four and a half miles. The only reason I even made it that far was because I had no one to call and pick me up, I had to run home. Sure I could have walked but why would I want to stay in that nasty heat even longer? I miss the winter months when I can run any time of day. Unless I am at the pool, I hate Summer....


  1. First of all, 4.5 miles is awesome in this heat! Secondly, I also miss running in the winter or at least when it's cooler. I had more of a drive to run. Now the heat makes me lazy and my long runs are only 4 miles! So you are way tuff Linds! I'm having a hard time staying motivated for my half marathon training. I didn't even run today. And I feel guilty about it!

  2. You're right.. summer is Lame.. the heat is killer... oh yeah you really missed out on camping... it was a way fun time!
